Schweyer lauds passage of $175 million to fix PA school buildings


HARRISBURG, Dec. 13 – Pennsylvania House Education Committee Majority Chairman, state Rep. Peter Schweyer today celebrated the passage of long overdue funding to address school infrastructure problems.

“As the father of two girls in the Allentown School District, I’ve seen firsthand the dire need for school building upgrading and modernization,” said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “For the first time in nearly a decade, funding passed by the House will give school districts the necessary resources to make the building upgrades which ensure safe and comfortable learning environments exist for children across the commonwealth.”

According to Schweyer, on Wednesday the General Assembly approved funding totaling $175 million as a down payment to school districts to fix everything from broken windows and roofs, to upgrading HVAC units and make accessibility enhancements.

Added Schweyer, “While this is much needed funding to address serious issues with school buildings, the work for education funding is far from over. After the Commonwealth Court ruled our schools are underfunded, we are ensuring that fairly funding schools and upholding this constitutional obligation is a top priority.”

Information provided to TVL by:
Thomas LeClair
Research Analyst
House Democratic Education Committee