Dodgeball 2015 Lehigh Valley



What: A one-day dodgeball tournament! Compete to win the GREAT BALLS OF FIRE
TROPHY and a $100 bar tab at Krocks Pub!

Where: Lower Macungie Middle School, 6299 Lower Macungie Road, Macungie PA

When: April 18th, 11am-until we have a winner (THEN AFTERPARTY @ Krocks Pub)

How much: Cost is $40 per player, which includes subway lunch, custom t-shirt
with your team name, a free drink at Krocks, and afterparty. $5 for
spectators, $2 for children.

Who benefits: 100% of proceeds go to burn survivors and Lehigh Valley Health
Network Burn Survivor Programs

How does it work: You can have as many players as you want on a team, but only
7 play at a time. Players must be 18 or older. *Each team must have at least
one female on the court at the start of each game. Matches will be double
elimination, see below for exact game rules.

How do I sign up: Email Burn Center Social Worker, Liz Dideon Hess at  or call her at

DEADLINE TO SIGN UP:   March 30, 2015