Healthy Cookies Show Our Love For Clients


(BETHLEHEM TWP.) – Valentine’s Day gave Meals On Wheels of Northampton County a chance to show its love for clients in a cute and healthy way. 

Bob Adams ices the sugar-free heart cookies that he and the kitchen staff at Meals On Wheels of Northampton County prepared for clients in honor of Valentine’s Day.

The kitchen staff made 50 dozen heart-shaped, iced sugar cookies that are, in fact, sugar free and were delivered as part of the daily meal deliveries. These special holiday cookies were made with Splenda instead of sugar to provide a healthier choice for clients. Cookies were wrapped individually with a special note of love from the Meals On Wheels staff. 

All meals prepared by Meals On Wheels of Northampton County are low-fat and low-salt and are medically tailored based on the client’s individual needs. In other words, accommodations are made daily for renal, diabetic, lactose-intolerant diets, as well as soft and pureed diets. 

Meals On Wheels of Northampton County is a private, nonprofit organization that has supported healthy living through the delivery of nutrition services since 1972. We provide meals and smiles for more than 1,500 seniors and adults with disabilities each year. 

In 2017, we expect to prepare more than 565,000 hot and cold, medically tailored meals for our clients as well as three sister Meals On Wheels organizations and Senior Centers in Lehigh County.


Information and photos provided by:
Tom Harper
Director of Development
4240 Fritch Dr.
Bethlehem, PA 18020