Please Help Me… By Carrie Beleno

I’ve been trying to find the words to share for quite some time, (since the election, really) but now I finally need to speak my truth about the world. Your world. Our world.
I left a $92,000 a year job to be here with you, right now. I know it’s not your problem, and go ahead, call me crazy. Lots of people have. I’m not going to lie, I sure could use that income most days. But I realize that money isn’t the important part of my journey.
The messages are. The universal truths. The energy that keeps us all alive and kicking. The stuff of life that brings us joy and heartache. THAT’S where I’m focusing my time, energy and life.
And I need your help.
Because I’m doing this for YOU. Yes, YOU. You whom I haven’t even met yet, the one reading this blog.
Because YOU matter in my world. See, we ALL matter to each other. And that’s the point we’re missing.
When you declare on social media, “We are all doomed,” or “Life is over as we know it,” or any one of the million depressing, angry, and fearful statements circulating right now, you affect the world. There’s no coincidence that we’re seeing a rise in earthquakes right now. Think about it. Where do you think all that angry energy goes?
That’s because what you declare becomes your truth, and your truth becomes the world’s reality. We’re all connected. Truly, honestly. It’s called an energetic ripple effect, and we are all standing in the same pond.
So, please, make my job easier. Watch your ripples. Be careful what you declare your world to be, because it’s my world, too…

You can read this article on Carrie’s blog by clicking here.

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