This spring, the Master Gardeners of Lehigh and Northampton Counties are offering a selection of eighteen native plant species for preorder. These hard-to-find varieties thrive in diverse sun exposures, soil conditions, and bloom times, making them a valuable addition to any landscape. The plants are sold as landscape plugs with well-developed root systems, ensuring easier handling, affordability, and successful establishment with proper care. While each species grows at its own pace, native plants follow the familiar pattern—sleep the first year, creep the second, and leap by the third—rewarding patience with lasting beauty and ecological benefits.
Plants are sold as four plugs for $18 or five plugs for $20, depending on the variety chosen. This ensures easier handling, affordability, and success with proper care. Order deadline is Monday, May 12, or until sold out.
Order pickup will be Saturday, May 31 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Penn State Extension Lehigh County
4184 Dorney Park Rd., Allentown, PA.
You can order today at the following website:, or by phone at 1-877-345-0691. Any questions about this plant sale can be directed to Joseph Veshinfsky at
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Information provided to TVL by:
Ingrid Garcia