Boscola Seeks Sales Tax Holiday for School Supplies

HARRISBURG, PA – March 14, 2025 – Senator Lisa M. Boscola (D-Northampton) announced she will soon introduce legislation to provide a sales tax holiday on school supplies. Aimed at combatting the effects of inflation, this bill would provide targeted tax relief on items commonly found on back-to-school shopping lists, such as book bags, crayons, textbooks, and tablets.

The legislation would establish a sales tax holiday to take place annually, from the first Saturday in August through the third Saturday in August. During this two-week holiday, school supplies, art supplies and instructional materials with a sales price of not more than $50 per item would be exempt from state sales tax. Personal computers and tablets with a sales price of not more than $1,500 per item would also be exempt.

“Inflation has really hit Pennsylvanians hard,” Boscola said. “Everyone is feeling the effects of it, but working families with children, really feel the pinch. I think it makes sense if we can help just a little bit, we should do it.”

Every student needs new supplies heading into a new school year. Many teachers dig into their own pockets around this time to have extra supplies for their students in the classroom. It is unavoidable. The average K-5th grader back-to-school list in Pennsylvania contains at least 17 items. Boscola’s proposal aims to make these items tax-free for shoppers during the holiday, so students show up ready to learn on day one.

“My goal with this legislation is to get relief to these families and teachers at the right moment – the first couple of weeks in August are when most students in Pennsylvania are gearing up to head back to school,” Boscola added. “To me, this is a commonsense proposal to ease the pressure on working families. I’m hopeful we can get this done for Pennsylvania.”


Information provided to TVL by:
Kurt  Derr
Office of Senator Lisa Boscola