Static Electricity will show on February 8 at 1 pm. Learn what electricity is, how it is generated at power plants, and how our bodies can generate sparks of static electricity in the winter. Discover how nature generates enormous electrical fields that lead to lightning. See the static generator produce up to 250,000 volts and listen to the musical tones of a singing tesla coil.
If you enjoy chocolate, the Sphere show about chocolate on Saturday, February 15 at 1 pm will help you understand where chocolate comes from, how it is grown, and how it ends up in a store for you to buy. Chocolate sampling follows the program.
Nurture Nature Center at 518 Northampton St, Easton, is open to the public on Saturdays, from noon – 4 pm in February. Programs are free although guests may make a donation. Parking may be found in the lot on Pine St behind Nurture Nature Center. However, guests must walk around the block to enter by the front door.
Information provided to TVL by:
Liesel Dreisbach