Make the Road PA Condemns Senate’s Xenophobic Push Toward Indefinite Immigrant Detention

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Pennsylvania — In response to legislation mandating that ICE detain people accused of theft, burglary, shoplifting or larceny irrespective of their immigration status, Patty Torres, Co-Executive Director of Make the Road Pennsylvaniaissued the following statement. 

The bill targets those arrested for — but not convicted of— minor, nonviolent charges, stripping them of due process, bail, and the chance to contest the accusations. The legislation also lacks a statute of limitations and allows states to sue the federal government over immigration enforcement, even without a legitimate stake.

“This bill is rooted in nothing but xenophobia and political posturing, and passing this poorly written, misconceived legislation is a dangerous step toward authoritarianism. Republicans are clearly laying the groundwork for a second Trump presidency built on cruelty, xenophobia, and the erosion of democratic values.

“At a time when immigrants already face systemic discrimination and disproportionate policing, this bill would only deepen racial profiling and lead to more unjust detentions. Democrats must step up to protect families in Pennsylvania and all over the country from this destructive overreach of the federal government.

“We’re talking about human beings, not scapegoats to be exploited for partisan gain. Every person in this country, regardless of their immigration status, deserves due process and the right to live without fear of unjust detention or separation from their loved ones. We’re witnessing Senators bow to Trump’s destructive agenda and the anti-immigrant politicians backing him; Senator Fetterman should not support these cruel policies.

“With rising xenophobic sentiment from political leaders, there is an increased risk of immigrants being racially profiled and wrongfully arrested. Our communities will be devastated by this legislation that will require mandatory detention and deportation just for being arrested, even if never charged. Now more than ever, we need Democrats to fight back against these attacks on immigrant communities and focus on policies that unite and strengthen us as a nation.”

Information provided to TVL by:
Make the Road Pennsylvania