MACKENZIE AGREED TO MEDIA DEBATES | Challenges Wild to Join, Discuss Issues and Records

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(LOWER MACUNGIE, PA) State Representative Ryan Mackenzie, Republican nominee for Congress in the 7th District, today announced that he has agreed in principle to participate in two proposed debates with his opponent, Susan Wild. At the time of this release, Wild has not agreed to both debates.
 One debate will be hosted by WFMZ-TV 69’s “Business Matters” and the other by Blue Ridge Communication TV (BRCTV13). The two debates are scheduled to take place before Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballots are sent to voters.
“I am proud of my record of standing up for the people of Pennsylvania as a state representative, and look forward to discussing important issues facing Congress like reigning in Washington’s over-spending and inflation, addressing illegal immigration, growing our economy to create good-paying jobs, and putting forth sensible policies to restore America’s position in the world,” said Mackenzie. “It is my hope that Representative Wild will join in these debates so voters can see the clear differences between her extreme positions and failed policies of the last four years as compared to my proven record and positive plan for the future.”
Mackenzie explained that his desire was to take part in debates that would ensure all the voters of the 7th District have the opportunity to see the candidates side-by-side, and he chose to participate in these forums because WFMZ and BRCTV13 are respected media outlets that have different viewerships that, combined, cover the entirety of the 7th District.
“If Mrs. Wild has the courage to join me on these stages, we can offer the voters an honest debate on the issues and our records. These respected outlets can provide that without worry of partisan bias presented by outside special interest groups,” Mackenzie stated.
The proposed date for BRCTV 13 is September 11th
The proposed date for WFMZ is September 12th