Recipes By Joe Scrizzi
Today was a mish-mosh of items as I was prepping soup stock veggies earlier in the week and left a plate of items uncovered in the fridge expecting to get back to it the following day. A few days have passed and here we are at Sunday morning yes, I could just freeze the rest of these items and use for stock in the future, however I have half of a rotisserie chicken and a couple of hard-boiled eggs, an overripe avocado and half of a tomato and onion.
Did a quick chop on the celery, carrots, onion, separated and set aside. Minced the chicken, separated, set aside. Scored eggs, chopped. Add 2 eggs, little bit of onion, celery and even some carrots (for color) to bowl with chicken, 3 T of mayo, salt & pepper to taste. Chicken Salad for dinner, over sliced tomato, and avocado on the side.
The rest of the veggies and chicken I turned into soup. Pulled a pint of bone broth from the freezer (made from the chicken carcass from earlier in the week). A couple of lunches for the couple of days.
Also found a pint of grape tomatoes pushed in the back that were semi frozen. The frozen ones, I will smash and try to seed for the garden. The remaining were sauteed with chopped garlic, olive oil, a can of white beans, fresh thyme, salt, and pepper. Served on a bed of fresh spinach with some walnuts and craisins, for that nutty and sweet-tart element.
Not much of a recipe for today, just prep and add to a bowl. Combine ingredients and season to taste. Chicken salad can be eaten with crackers or on bread for a sandwich. Toss some of the tomato and beans on the side to create a tasty dish!
Bon Appetite!