Who has an internationally recognized holiday market in Bethlehem? ArtsQuest! Volunteers are needed to break down booths and Christkindlmarkt decorations 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec 18-21. Must be able to stand for long periods of time and lift upwards of 25 pounds unassisted. Minimum age 15 or 14 with adult. Contact Cory, 610-332-1370, cstevens@artsquest.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000Wu6YNEAZ
Share the joy of the holiday season! Volunteers needed to lead guests to see the Trees of Historic Bethlehem: The Finer Things exhibit offered from November to early January. Historic
Bethlehem Museums & Sites will display 25 festive trees decorated by members of the Bethlehem Garden Club. Elegant. Luxurious. Opulent. This year’s Trees of Historic Bethlehem are dripping with finery! Training and script provided. Contact Charlotte, 610-882-0450, cfiliciotto@historicbethlehem.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000Wu22C
Our 10th annual Winter Light Spectacular is here! This important fundraiser for the Lehigh Valley Zoo, Schnecksville, is scheduled in the evening for various dates through Sunday, Dec 31. Volunteer opportunities include character attendants and escorts; photo booth and fire pit assistants; candy wheel; crafts and activities; VIP room attendant; and regular zoo clean up. Minimum age 13. Contact Peter, 610-799-4171 x 224, pkandianis@lvzoo.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI000000bs6r
Sixth Street Shelter is currently looking to do an end-of-year inventory of donated items. Volunteers are needed anytime 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, to organize, count, and record items currently stored in our basement. Saturday may be available for large groups. We are hoping to have this completed by December 14. Contact Wendy, 610-435-1490, wwright@caclv.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI000008Sg3J
Assist in lobbies, inpatient nursing, emergency department, OR waiting rooms & more by spending time socializing, providing comfort items, and help staff with various supportive duties at all Lehigh Valley locations for St. Luke’s University Health Network, where volunteers are greatly appreciated and a valued member of our team! Join our program today by calling 484-526-4600. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/organization/0011a00000KYGbiAAH
As a rapidly growing nonprofit, grant-funding is essential to continue our free services to vulnerable youth who are experiencing foster care. The Fundraising Committee at The Kindness Project, Emmaus, is in search of skilled volunteers with experience in grant research, grant writing and overall networking ability within the Lehigh Valley community. Contact Jenae, 484-232-9674, info@mykindnessproject.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI000000ntfx
Cheerful, festive volunteers are needed to help make our annual holiday party a great experience for the children and families we serve at The Salvation Army Foster Care & Adoption Services. This year’s party will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Dec 9 in Macungie. The party theme is “Pancakes and Pajamas.” If you would like to help us in a creative way, please reach out to discuss opportunities! Minimum age 15 with adult. Contact Sue, 484-705-1502, sue.shotwell@use.salvationarmy.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000WIGQz
Do you like to wrap gifts? Women of Excellence Bethlehem needs up to 40 volunteers per shift/per day to assist with the sorting and wrapping of gifts Thurs – Sun up to Dec 15. Assistance will be needed at the distribution event on Saturday, Dec 16 starting at 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Minimum age 13 with adult. Community service hours are available for students. Contact Enid Jackson, 484-662-0599, bethlehemwomenofexcellence@gmail.com. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000VwQiXEAV
Visit our website www.volunteerlv.org for a larger listing of volunteer opportunities or contact us at 610- 807-0336, vc@volunteerlv.org for more information.