Nancy Aaroe’s Trial Experience as Prosecutor and Public Defender Prepared Her to Address Public Safety Concerns

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By: Nancy Aaroe, Candidate For Northampton County Judge

As a candidate running for Northampton County Judge, I have spoken to thousands of citizens and asked them about the topics closest to their hearts. A local small-business owner lamented the recent increase of loiterers outside his storefront, making customers feel unsafe. Knocking doors in a seemingly quiet and safe community in Allen Township this week, the resounding question from door to door was the same – “What are you doing about the series of carjackings in our neighborhood?”. Everywhere I go, the story is the same – people feel that the safety and flourishing of their community is at risk. While everyone may have differing opinions about how to best dole justice or suppress crime, I think that we can all agree that we want to live in a safe community.

Two-thirds of the cases heard by the Northampton Court of Common Pleas are criminal cases. The County Court is primarily a trial court, and it makes life-altering decisions on crime and justice in this County each day. This is why it is so important that we elect competent and trustworthy judges. In my tenure as a Northampton County prosecutor, I argued for justice on behalf of our community day-in and day-out, and I held dangerous criminals accountable. I also was on the other side as a public defender, representing criminals and gaining insights into their perspective and how to best serve their rehabilitation and reintegration. My decades in the courtroom, on both sides of the criminal justice system, make me ready to handle complex trials and make the right and just decisions for our safety, from Day One on the bench. Having practiced law for only 7 years, never having prosecuted a single criminal, or even had a single trial, my opponent is woefully unprepared to handle the very important decisions that come before the Court each day. In fact, if elected, he would be the youngest and least qualified judge in Pennsylvania’s history. Seeing firsthand the importance of a good judge to the safety and success of our citizens and community, I find it completely unacceptable for someone so unqualified to be our County’s judge.

This is why I stepped up and decided to run for Judge – to give the County where I grew up, raised my children, and still reside, the Judge I know it deserves. My lifelong commitment to our County and my unparalleled qualifications make me the only candidate prepared to make the right decisions for our County, and are why I am the only candidate endorsed by Northampton County District Judges.


Information provided to TVL by:
Andres Weller