Interview with Singer/Songwriter Kendal Conrad | By: Janel Spiegel

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Featured Image: Photo of Kendal Conrad, by Jim Trocchio

Interview By: Janel Spiegel


Hello Kendal, thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview for The Valley Ledger. Please tell us about yourself and how you got into music?

K.C.- I’m a singer-songwriter from Pottstown, PA.  I got into music by carrying my boombox out to the barn we had in the backyard and performing for the chicken coop.  I just always really liked to sing and perform for a crowd — in the beginning my audience didn’t even have to be human ha!


I was able to attend an event at Gallows Hill Spirits Co. and you performed. You did such a great job. What do you love most about concerts/performances?

K.C.- Thank you!  I’m naturally introverted, so I love getting to “talk” to people through my music.  I get to connect with strangers in a highly personal way when I perform.  It’s fun, but also very cathartic for me.


What are you currently working on?

K.C- New music!  I’ve been writing again and deciding which direction I want to go production-wise.  I’ve also been doing a lot of traveling now that a lot of the restrictions have been lifted.  I love that excitement and magic of visiting a brand-new city.


I’ve been listening to your music and I think each song hits a different nerve, in a good way. “Stranger Things” is definitely one of my favorites. What is the process for you to make music?

K.C.- The production for that one was inspired by the Netflix show “Stranger Things.”  I’ve had that hook for a while “Stranger Things” have happened than you and me” and when the show exploded, I just thought it was perfect timing to record it.  When you’re in the studio, I think of it like a laboratory.  Some things you try to do sound-wise just don’t work.  Other times you fall into the right lick, the right inflection.  It’s all so organic, and I’m very much a planner.  It’s fun for me to force myself to be open and spontaneous with production.

Has anyone inspired you professionally?

K.C.- My parents.  They really set the standard for me growing up.  They taught me about work ethic, teamwork, business smarts, the value of a dollar.  They gave me a lot of support as a kid chasing this crazy dream, and they still do.


COVID-19 has impacted so many people and music has always meant so much to me and so many others. What would you like to say to the fans listening to your music?

K.C.- You’re why I do this!  I make music to be heard, to connect with people who feel the same way as me.  It feels so good to listen to your favorite songs and feel seen and understood and not alone.  So, if I can do that for someone else, that’s everything.


I think social media has been helpful for artists, do you feel it has been helpful?

K.C.- Yes!  During the quarantine, everyone felt so isolated.  But then I looked at my social media pages and thought… I can still reach people even if I can’t see them.  So, I started doing virtual shows and posting more singing clips on my Instagram.  It was my lifeline.


You are also a songwriter. What’s the process like for you as a songwriter?

K.C.- I normally write my songs on acoustic guitar, sometimes I write with a track guy and we write to the beat.  I always want to start a writing session with a clever hook to write towards and flesh out.  Sometimes it feels like a therapy session for me to figure out a broken relationship.  Other times it’s more of a fun vibe.  Depends on my mood when I sit down to write.


Please let everyone know where they can listen to your music?


Apple Music:




Thank you so much.

K.C.- My pleasure!