October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and this type of cancer is the 2nd most common in Women. Emmaus Professional Firefighters Association Local 5004 is selling T-Shirts to help raise money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. This foundation is one of the largest in the country. In 2013, the IAFF was the 2nd largest participant and fund-raiser.
Local 5004 has partnered with Jessica Bender, who is an Emmaus borough resident, and who is also participating in the Susan G. Komen 3 day walk in California in November 2014. This event is a 3 day 60 mile walk, and will benefit the research, scientific programs and community-based breast health and education programs for women and men facing breast cancer. Jess has a team registered for the walk (Hakuna ma Tatas), and is attempting to raise $2,300 for the foundation. A portion of the proceeds from the T-shirt sale will be donated to the Susan G. Komen foundation in the name of Jess’s team.
T-Shirts are black and short sleeve, with the designs shown below. I am able to get any size needed. (Including tall)
Please use the attached order sheet to take orders. All money is due at the time of ordering. Cash or checks payable to EPFFA Local 5004. All orders must be returned to K. Walbert by SEPTEMBER 30TH. (We don’t have a lot of time) You can contact by phone at 484-375-3968
If you have any questions, please let me know.
K. Walbert—Local 5004 Vice President