Business Women Networking Involving Charity & Education Presents Check to Third Street Alliance for Women & Children

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Photo Caption: Members of the Business Women Networking Involving Charity and Education (BW NICE), Lehigh Valley Chapter, present a check to the organization’s charity partner, The Third Street Alliance for Women & Children. Pictured from left to right are Linda Sager, Valerie Bittner, Sarne Brewster, Susan Worobec, Andrea Brock, Beth Archer, Christe Konopitski and Peggy King

LEHIGH VALLEY, PA – At their January BW NICE (Business Women Networking Involving Charity & Education), Lehigh Valley Chapter, meeting, Andrea Brock, BW NICE President, presented Beth Archer, Director of Development for Third Street Alliance for Women & Children, Easton, with a check in the amount of one thousand dollars. The money was raised at the chapter’s annual December Sip & Shop fundraising event supporting the organization’s charity partner, The Third Street Alliance for Women & Children.

“These monies will be used to help provide emergency assistance such as transportation costs for relocation, clothing, etc. for domestic violence clients in imminent danger,” said Beth Archer. “The need to move clients out of the program’s shelter and house them at a different location happens once or twice a year. We do this for their own safety as well as the safety of other program participants.”

“While we hold the annual Red Shoe fundraising event for Third Street Alliance, at other times of the year there are unexpected emergency expenses. We are discussing spearheading and implementing an ongoing funding initiative to resolve this issue. There are not enough government resources for these emergency crisis situations and family’s lives are in jeopardy.” said Andrea Brock, “This additional fundraiser in December helped two families in peril and we look forward to further community support for this emergency fund.”

Recognizing the need for the funding of this initiative, BW NICE will start a campaign to maintain an emergency fund for Third Street Alliance for Women & Children clients who will need immediate financial assistance in order to be relocated to ensure their safety. Chapter members will designate monies raised at special events for this collection.

BW NICE is a professional women’s empowerment organization that provides women at all stages of business and personal life with support, education and resources. Each BW NICE Chapter is dedicated to raising funds and awareness supporting a local organization in the fight against domestic violence and sexual abuse.


Information provided to TVL by:
BW NICE  Lehigh Valley Chapter