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Photos and review by: Diane Fleischman

It was a dry and cloudy Sunday morning, which didn’t bother fans and car enthusiasts alike, at the start of the eighth annual Spring and Summer Cars and Coffee series. For the opening day theme, it seems every type of vehicle was there, from Lamborghinis to an old Ford pick up truck.

Senna, pictured, cruised around in her wheels and had a blast.  Her mother, Dana, from Boyerstown, said, “when the weather’s like this it’s great to be here and get the kids outside.”

There were two gentlemen from Perkasie and Hatfield, who chose to remain nameless, said they catch one or two shows a year and always enjoy it.

Part of the fun included lining up as the cars exited. With iPhones and cameras at the ready, fans caught the cars at their best, in motion.

Alex, from Jim Thorpe, with girlfriend, Kaitlyn, said his favorite part is the noise. Kaitlyn, was having a good time as well, stating they support Arts Quest events including Musikfest.

And that old Ford pick-up truck is owned by a Veteran, Doug Nixon.  He attends many shows, and if you have a few minutes, he will spin yards of stories, and may throw in a joke or two.  He told me he found his truck, painted yellow at the time, in a field in Bowling Green, Ohio. There was no engine, but he bought it anyways, working on it’s restoration for a full year. The pick up area is lined with Walnut wood, along with a couple strips along the step to enter the vehicle.

The Spring and Summer Cars and Coffee series is sponsored by Koch Automotive Group, and have different themes throughout the season, presented  as a free event for everyone to enjoy.  Here’s what’s coming up:

May 21  All Makes

June 4.  European Theme

July 16  American Muscle

Aug. 27 Japanese Theme

Sept.17 Grand Finale