Bethlehem (August 3, 2022) – State Senator Lisa M. Boscola released the following statement today regarding the Supreme Court decision upholding the mail in ballot provisions of Act 77:
“Politics is a funny thing. People who voted for mail in voting brought a lawsuit to stop it. Today, people who voted against Act 77 are celebrating the decision of the PA Supreme Court to protect it.
As the prime sponsor of Act 77, I am thrilled the Supreme Court saw through the politics and protected Pennsylvanians right to vote by mail. Act 77 was a benefit to the voters of Pennsylvania, not any party. I am proud to have my name associated with the greatest voting reform in 80 years.
But our work on improving elections is not done. It’s critical that the General Assembly give Counties the ability to pre-canvass mail in ballots so that the administration of our elections can be conducted in a more efficient manner. Hopefully, the General Assembly will work on this much needed reform when we reconvene.”
Information provided to TVL by:
Kurt J. Derr
Office of Senator Lisa Boscola
One East Broad Street, Suite 120
Bethlehem, PA 18018