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Banners will honor first responders who have served our community

BETHLEHEM, Pa. – ArtsQuest is hosting its annual ‘Our Hometown Heroes – First Responders’ banner display, presented by Embassy Bank, honoring first responders, including police and law enforcement officials, firefighters and volunteer firefighters, emergency medical personnel and paramedics, who currently serve or who have served our community.

The nonprofit is asking the community to click here to submit photos of family members, neighbors and friends who are first responders. Submissions will be accepted through July 31, 2021. Those participating are asked to share their contact information, as well as the first responder’s name, hometown, job title and department, to be displayed during the Patriot Day Celebration at the SteelStacks on September 11.

Images must be high resolution jpeg, tiff, bitmap or PDF files; color and black and white will be accepted. Photos can also be dropped off at the Banana Factory Arts Center at 25 W. Third St. in Bethlehem during normal business hours, which are Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Photos can be picked up at the Banana Factory Arts Center during business hours, starting August 2.

About ArtsQuest

ArtsQuest’s mission is to provide access to exceptional artistic, cultural and educational experiences using arts and culture as key elements of economic development for our urban communities. ArtsQuest™ supports this mission via the presentation of performing and visual arts, film, arts education classes and outreach, youth programming and cultural events.

Through festivals such as its flagship event, Musikfest; the Banana Factory Arts Center; and the ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks arts and cultural campus, ArtsQuest’s programming reaches more than 1.9 million people annually. The organization’s programs and events, approximately 50 percent of which are free to attend, have a combined economic impact of more than $136 million annually in the region. ArtsQuest is a proud member of NIVA, the National Independent Venue Association.

Information provided to TVL by:

Nicole Harrell
ArtsQuest Director of Communications